KNOW AIDS TO PREVENT AIDS !!! एड्स को रोकने के लिए एड्स को जानें!!!!


                TO PREVENT AIDS

This is my first blog. Today I would like to give information about AIDS. Everyone should have knowledge about AIDS (HIV) to protect themselves against AIDS. 

What is AIDS????

    AIDS is a short-form of


A stands for ACQUIRED. It means something you get from others

I stands for IMMUNO. It means capability of the human body to fight diseases

D stands for DEFICIENCY. It means shortage or reduction

S stands for SYNDROME. It means a group of diseases


            HIV is the virus, which causes AIDS. HIV stands for, ' Human Immunodeficiency Virus'. It is so small that we cannot see it through naked eyes. HIV is two type HIV-1 and HIV-2. Both cause HIV infection and AIDS. Most AIDS cases in India are due to HIV-1.


            Human Immuno Deficiency Virus enters the human body and gradually damages immune system that fights infections and diseases. The immune system becomes less and less capable to protect against illness and with the result even minor infections can lead to serious life threatening conditions. Typically, HIV lives in an infected person's body for months or years before any signs of illness (AIDS) appear.

Important:- AIDS can take more than 8-10 years to develop after HIV infection. HIV infected or HIV infected or HIV positive person can live symptom-free life for years.

Why is it important to know about AIDS????

            AIDS is a serious disease for which there is no cure till date. Each one of us has to protect ourselves from this deadly disease. That is why everyone should know about AIDS.

How does HIV spread????

            HIV infection occurs when HIV is transmitted in one of the four ways given below:

            Unprotected sexual contact- Both men and women (including teenagers) can transmit HIV to their sex partner, (whether he or she is of same sex or the opposite sex). This can occur during unprotected vaginal, anal and oral (mouth) sex through contact with infected semen, blood, or vaginal secretions. 

 Important: - Have correct knowledge, take essential precautions and save your life from AIDS.

            Infected Needle/Syringes - Infected or Used Syringes and needles can transmit HIV/AIDS

Important:-  Persons who use syringes and needles for taking addicting drugs are at a greater risk of getting AIDS if they share the syringes and needles with others.

            Transfusion of infected blood and blood products -  HIV can also be transmitted by transfusion of infected blood or blood products. This happens if the blood is not tested for HIV before being transfused.

 Important :-  Always avail blood from government Blood Banks/licensed Blood Banks.

            From infected pregnant mother to child - If a HIV positive mother becomes pregnant, virus can spread to her newborn baby either during pregnancy, during delivery, or subsequent breast feeding.

Important :- Administration of Antiretroviral drugs to HIV + ve mother's before delivery and to the new born after birth can prevent transmission of HIV.

Who can get AIDS????

            AIDS occurs in everybody infected everybody infected with HIV. if we do not follow some precautions, everyone (rich-poor, infants-children-adults, male-female-eunuchs, young-old) has a chance to contract this disease. But people following high-risk behaviour have more chances of getting this disease.

What are the ways by which HIV/AIDS cannot be transmitted????

            No case has been reported becoming infected with HIV through normal living with a HIV positive or an AIDS patient.

            It is important to know that - HIV is not transmitted by the following routes:-

Important :- HIV can be transmitted from person to person only if the body fluids like blood, semen & vaginal fluid comes is contact with body fluids of an HIV-infected of AIDS patient

How can I avoid being infected through sex????

            You can avoid HIV infection

By abstaining from casual unprotected sex.

By having a mutually faithful monogamous sexual relationship with an uninfected partner.

by practicing safar sex. Safar sex involves the correct use of a condom during each sexual encounter.

Can we assume responsibility in preventing HIV infection????

Both men and women share the responsibility of avoiding behaviours that might lead to HIV infection. Equally, they also share the right to refuse sex and assume responsibility for ensuring safe sex. In many societies, however, men have much more control than women with whom and how they have sex. In such cases, men need to assume greater responsibility for their actions.

Does the presence of sexually transmitted disease (STDs) facilitate HIV transmission????

           SYPHILIS                 GENITAL HERPES

        CHANCROID             GONORRHEA

Why is early treatment of STD important ????

            Presence of RTI/STD are known to facilitate the acquisition and transmission of HIV/AIDS by 2-10 times. So it is important to treat STD/RTI at an early stage.

If a person becomes infected with HIV, does that mean he is having AIDS????

            HIV infected individual becomes an AIDS case only when symptoms of opportunistic infections start appearing. This may take as long as 8-10 years.

Important :- It is still not certain that everyone with HIV infection will get AIDS.

How does a mother transmit HIV to her unborn child ????

  An HIV-infected mother can infect the child in her womb through her blood. The baby is more at risk if the mother is in a later stage of AIDS. Transmission can also occur at the time of birth when the baby is exposed to the mother's blood and vaginal secretions and to some extent transmission can also occur through breast milk. 

Important :- Transmission from an infected mother to her baby occurs only in about 30% of cases. Lists of centres of preventing the transmission of HIV infection to baby (PPTCT) is given on last page.

 Can HIV be transmitted through breast feeding????

            Yes, The virus has been found in breast milk in low concentrations and studies have shown that children of HIV-infected mothers can get HIV infection through breast milk. Breast milk, however, has many substances in it that protect an infant's health and the benefits of breast-feeding for both mother and child are well recognised.

Important :- feeding of the baby by breast milk should be the decision of the HIV+ mother after she has been counselled on the pros & cons of breast feeding.

Can blood transfusion transmit HIV infection????

Yes, The transfusion of infected blood can transmit HIV infection. It is mandatory for all blood banks to test the blood for HIV before it is issued for transfusion.

Important :- You can reduce the chances of needing a blood transfusion by taking ordinary precautions against serious injuries- for examples, by driving carefully, insisting on wearing a seat belt, helmet and avoiding alcohol. All blood bottles should be checked for HIV -ve Label before transfusion.

Can injections transmit ????

 Yes, injections can transmit HIV, if the injecting equipment is contaminated with blood secretions containing HIV. Avoid injections unless absolutely necessary. If you must have an injection, make sure the needle and syringe come straight from a sterile package or have been sterilised properly.

Important :- 1) A needle and syringe that has been cleaned and then boiled for 20 minutes is ready for reuse. 

2) Use disposable syringes and needles. 

3) Ensure proper disposal of syringes and needles after use.

Can tattoing or ear piercing spread AIDS????

            Currently, ear piercing, acupuncture and some kinds of dental work all involve instruments that must be sterilised to avoid infection. You should refrain from any procedure where the skin is pierced. unless absolutely necessary.

How is HIV treated????

            Currently there is no way to get rid of entire viral load once a person is infected. However, new medicines called Anti retro viral  drugs (ARVs) can slow the damage that HIV cause to the immune system, reduce the viral load and increase the longevity and improve the quality of life the PLWHA (People Living With HIV/AIDS). Doctors are well informed now at treating the illnesses that are caused by HIV infection. Many people now consider HIV infection a manageable, long-term illness.

Important :- HIV infections remains throughout life, only its effects can be reduced by drugs. 

Do people living with HIV/AIDS have special rights or responsibilities????

            Since everyone is entitled to fundamental human rights without discrimination, people living with HIV/AIDS have the same rights to education, employment, health, travel, marriage, recreation, privacy, social security, scientific benefits, asylum etc. All persons should share responsibility for avoiding HIV infection/re-infection.

Where was AIDS first found????

AIDS was first identified in the United Stated in 1981. Evidence now suggests that the AIDS epidemic began at roughly the same time in different parts of the world, including the USA and Africa.

When was the first case of AIDS diagnosed in India and how fast it is spreading????

In India, the first case of AIDS was diagnosed in 1986. Since then the cases of HIV positives and the full blown cases of AIDS have been rising very steadily in our country.

Are women at equal risk of getting infected with HIV????

            Women are in fact more at risk of getting infected because of their increased vulnerability, due to bigger surface area of exposure, lack of knowledge, prevalence of STD/RTI's. In addition, their low status within the family and society further heighten their vulnerability to infection. In the male dominated society women have either very low negotiation power or none at all in social sphere and in sexual relationship. 

Important:- It is therefore most important that every woman has access to information about HIV/AIDS to protect herself.

In sexual route, who is at greater risk of HIV infection between a man or a woman????

Women are always at a greater risk of HIV infection through sexual route because of two reasons:

In sexual activities women are always at the receiving end i.e. she receives the body fluids lie semen or blood etc. 

The anatomy of female reproductive parts (vagina) is such that its contact area is much more than the male reproductive organ (penis).

Do AIDS affect children????

Yes, Children can be infected with HIV and have AIDS. Over 2.5 million children worldwide are now infected with HIV. if HIV continues to spread in countries, there will be a great increase in deaths among infants and children. 

Who should provide care to HIV/AIDS affected persons????

             Everyone in contact with an HIV/AIDS person is a care provide. In particular, this includes health care workers at various levels of the health care delivery system, social workers and counsellors and close family members who are important care providers at home. Care basically involves clinical management, nursing care, counselling and social support.

Why do I need to know about HIV infection and AIDS????

              Because HIV infection remains till death and there is no medicine or injection to get rid of HIV and cure AIDS. Prevention is thus only the cure. That's why we must know about HIV infection and AIDS. 

Can I get AIDS from saliva????

            Although small amounts of HIV have been found in body fluids like saliva, faeces, urine and tears, there is no evidence that HIV can spread through these body fluids. 

You can't get HIV or AIDS from touching someone, sharing items such as cups or pencils, coughing or sneezing. 

Can a person get HIV/AIDS by Blood Donation????

            No. As there is no contact with body secretions/blood of another person, one cann't get HIV/AIDS by blood donation.

What role do NGOs play in AIDS control????

            NGO's have an important and very special role to play. The close interpersonal that NGO's have with people in the communities they work in, is extremely useful for implementing the behavioural interventions necessary for HIV/AIDS prevention and care. NGO's have a lot of flexibility and the capacity to accommodate, changing programs and public needs and can innovate and implement new initiatives more easily. 

Is it safe to work with someone infected with HIV????

            Yes, workers face no risk of getting the virus while doing their work with people living with HIV/AIDS(PLWHA).

Why are people safe from HIV infection during work????

             Most people at work are safe because contact with blood is not the part of work. The virus is mainly transmitted though the transfer of blood or sexual fluids and is not transmitted through casual contact. 

What about working every day in close physical contact with an infected person????

            There are no risks involved. You may share the same telephone or work side by side in a crowded factory with other HIV infected persons.

HIV is not spread through routine contact in restaurants, workplaces or schools.

Who is at risk while at work????

            The health-care workers-doctors, dentists, nurses, laboratory technicians etc. are at risk while at work, since they are constantly in contact with infected blood and body fluids. 

Important :- Such workers must take special care against possible contact with infected blood, as for example by using gloves & following universal precautions.

If a worker has HIV infection, should he or she be allowed to continue to work????

            Yes, an HIV+ should be allowed to continue to his/her work. A healthy HIV positive person is as capable as any other in any field and should be treated in the same way as any other worker. There should be no stigma or discrimination attached to HIV+ve person or PLWHA.

Important:- Infection with HIV is not a reason in itself for termination of employment.

Is it must to disclose my HIV status to my employer????

            Employees are not required to inform about their HIV status to the employers. Employers, co-workers, unions or clients must protect anyone infected or thought to be infected from HIV.

Should an employer test a worker for HIV????

            Employer can not get his employee tested for HIV. The HIV testing is voluntary and should be only done after attaining the consent of the individual.

AIDS is mainly a problem of developing countries or developed countries????

            AIDS affects both developing and industrialized countries, both cold and hot countries. HIV can spread anywhere where people live.

Am I at Risk????

            Many people think this disease can not happen to them. The acquisition of HIV depends on the high risk behaviour of a person. However one needs to exercise due care towards the blood transfusion & organ transplant if required. Unfortunately, it can happen to any person. By looking at your current and past sexual and drug practices and your transfusion history, you can get a picture of your risk for HIV.

How can I avoid HIV infection????

            Some ways to reduce the risk of getting HIV infection are as follows:-

* Abstain from causal and unprotected vaginal/oral/anal sex. Many other things that can give pleasure are safe, because no blood, semen, or vaginal secretions get into the body. Safe activities include hugging, cuddling masturbating, kissing, fantasizing, body-to-body rubbing and massage.

*Use condoms, Unless you are 100% sure that your sexual partner is not infected with HIV or other STD's, reduce your risk by using a latex condom(rubber) on the penis from start to finish every time you have anal, vaginal, or oral sex. The female condom can also help protect you. Learn to talk with your partner about condoms and safar sex. Condoms provide protection from STD's also.

*Be faithful to your partner.

*Avoid multiple partners.

*Take immediate treatment, if suffering from RTI/STD.

*Use sterilized disposable hypodermic, Syringes & needles 

*Blood should always be taken from Govt/Licensed Blood Banks for transfusion.

*An HIV+ve pregnant lady should consult her gynaecologist immediately regarding ways to protect her baby from HIV.

*Water-based lubricant should be used if you use lubricants. containing oil (such as vaseline) might cause latex condom to break.

*Spermicidal (birth control) foams and jellies if used should be used along with condoms & not in place of condoms. The effectiveness of spermicidal in preventing HIV is unknown.

*Never share needles. If you are intravenous drug user then please seek professional help. 

*Avoid mixing alcohol or other drugs with sexual activities-they might cloud your judgement and lead you to engage in unsafe sexual practices.

Important:- The key to avoid infection is never allow anyone's body fluid to enter in your body.

How to know of HIV infection????

            The only way to know for sure if you have this virus is by getting a blood test done called the "HIV Antibody Test". Some people call it the "HIV Test" or the "AIDS Test". It takes about 6-12 weeks from the date of exposure for the appearance of antibodies (HIV Test Positive) in the Blood. This period is called Window Period. This test can be got done from any of the Voluntary Counselling and Confidential Testing Centre opened by DSACS.

If your test result is "positive", it means you have HIV infection and you could benefit from special medical care. Additional CD4/CD8 tests can tell you how strong your immune system is and whether any drug therapy is indicated. Some people stay healthy for a long time with HIV infection, while others develop serious illness and AIDS more rapidly. 

Should i take the HIV test????

            If you have a history of indulging in high risk behaviour in the past, you must go for counselling first. You should take an HIV test. HIV testing is done after pre test counselling in the VCCTCs listed on the back page of this booklet. A nominal amount charged for HIV testing in all the VCCTCs. Ask for more health literature on HIV testing.

If I am HIV positive, what should I do ????

            If you've tested positive for HIV, consider the following: 

*Contact the counsellor of VCCTC for Post Test Counselling. 

*See a health care professional for a complete medical work-up for HIV infection and advice on treatment and health maintenance. Make sure you are tested for TB and other STDs. You can get free drugs for opportunistic infections from any Govt. Hospital which DSACS has provided them for HIV +ve AIDS cases. For women, this includes a regular Gynecological Examination. 

*Inform your sexual partner(s) about their possible risk for HIV. Your local health department has a partner notification program that can assist you. 

*Inform your sexual partner(s) about their possible risk for HIV. Your local department has a partner notification program that can assist you.

*You may also contact community care homes which DSACS has setup for AIDS cases.

*Protect yourself from any additional exposure to HIV.

*Avoid drug and alcohol use, practice good nutrition and avoid fatigue and stress.

*Seek support from family and trustworthy friends when possible and consider getting professional counselling.

*Find a support group of people who are going through similar experience. 

*An HIV positive person should not donate blood, plasma, semen, body organs or other tissue.

What can I do for a friend or associate having HIV infection or AIDS????

            A friend or acquaintance will need your support and understanding, just as with any other life-threatening illness. Assurance of your continued friendship is very important. Most important, your friend will want to be treated as normal & as a valuable human being. And remember, casual contact, a hug, a handshake, a kiss on the cheek-poses no threat of infection to you. Help your friend in time of need. 

Why do people who are infected with HIV eventually die????

            PLWHA die due to diseases acquired because of low level of immunity caused by HIV in the body. With the immune system lowered, the body becomes susceptible to many infections, from the common cold to cancer. These problems make people become so sick, that they may eventually die.

What is the proper way to use a condom????

            One can significantly decrease the chance of contracting HIV infection or any other sexually transmitted disease by using a condom in a correct manner. One could remember the following points for correct condom use:-

*Check the package for date of expiry.

*Don't use a condom that has been stored near heat or in your wallet or glove compartment of the car for a long time. 

*Do not use fingernails or any other sharp edged instrument to take out condom from the packet.

*Remove any air that remains in the tip by gently pressing toward the base of the points. 

*Leave a small space at the tip of the condom to catch the ejaculated semen by pinching it. Put the condom on the penis as soon as it becomes erect.

*After ejaculation withdraw while the penis is still erect. Hold the rim of condom, while pulling out so that it doesn't come off. 

*Never use a condom more than once.

*If one suspects that the condom has broken while having sex, stop immediately and take the penis out. Continue sex only after putting on a new condom.

*Latex serves as barrier to the virus that is present in the genital secretions of an HIV-infected person. Do not use petroleum jelly, cold cream, body oil or other lubricants such as cooking oil. These weaken the latex condom and can cause it to break. Water based lubricants are preferred.

*If one needs a lubricant, check its label to make sure that it is water based.

*Check whether the condom package has oily stains on its wrapper. The condom may have deteriorated during storage. Do not use such a condom.

Important:- Use a condom every time you have sex whether vaginal, anal and oral.

Can kissing lead to HIV infection????

            No, The concentration of HIV in saliva is negligible. Even swallowing of saliva with HIV during kissing does not lead to transmission of HIV through Gastro intestional tract (stomach). Even the chance of entry of HIV from small ulcers in the oral cavity during kissing appears to be only theoretical and speculative. However, kissing may be associated with sexual arousal that can lead to unsafe sexual intercourse and thus increase the risk of acquiring HIV infection.

Can sharing of shaving blade lead to HIV infection????

During shaving minor injuries are likely to occur which may not be visible to the naked eyes. If a razor is used on an HIV+ ve individual a small amount of blood is likely to remain on the blade. Once the blood dries, HIV +ve person and reused immediately on other person, there will be small theoretical risk of acquisition of HIV infection.

Important:-Not a single case of such a transmission has however ben reported in the world yet. But shared razors increase the risk of contagious skin diseases and also a type of Jaundice (Hepatitis B). Hence it is advisable to use a separate blade for shaving instead of sharing it.

How HIV infection leads to AIDS????

            Once HIV virus enters the human body it starts replicating itself and at the same time destroying the immune defense mechanism of the individual. Slowly the defense mechanism starts becoming weak and the person becomes susceptible to infections, contracting illnesses like common cold, pneumonia, TB, fungal infections and even cancer. Once the symptoms of these diseases start appearing the HIV +ve person becomes a full blown AIDS case. This may take as long as 8-10 years.

How to take care of a injured person avoiding HIV infection????

            A person, who takes care of HIV infected person should see he/she has no injury or blood coming out from any body part. 

            Person can use gloves/polythene sheet to cover hands.

What should People Living With HIV/AIDS do to decrease the effects of AIDS????

            A Person Living with HIV/AIDS should follow the tips given for better life:

Have nutritive food, plenty of safe drinking water.

Sleep Well.

Do exercise & meditation.

Avail Counseling services.

Do not share blades/syringes/needles.

Don't get any extra infection.

Leave all addictions.

Do not donate blood.

Abstain from Unprotected sex.

How long does it take for the infection to appear in blood ????

            Once someone gets HIV infection, the HIV appears in blood soon after. The infection then can be transmitted to other persons by all the four routes mentioned above. 

How long can virus survive outside the body????

            In dry state it becomes inactive in a few seconds. 

            In wet state it can survive for several hours. 

            In the dead body it can survive till 2 days depending upon the temperature of the surroundings.







